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Shadow Play


    Shadow play is a folk drama using puppets made of animal skins or cardboard to perform stories. It has a history of 2,500 years. It is an ancient Chinese folk art and has been included in the list of human intangible cultural heritage. During the performance, the artists are behind a white curtain, moving the puppets to tell the stories, while popular local tunes playing in the background.





Puppet Show


    Puppet show is a folk drama that actors use puppets to perform plays. It has a history of more than 3,000 years and is one of China's national intangible cultural heritages. During the performance, actors are behind the curtain and manipulate the puppets to tell the stories, while singing with music.





Sugar Figure Blowing


Sugar figure blowing is a traditional Chinese folk craftsmanship. The craftsman uses a piece of melted maltose syrup to form a piece of dough through kneading and other techniques, and then gently blow the dough to make it expand. The craftsman will finish figure with modification to make it look like various animals. Students can participate in the making of the figure with the craftsman. The sugar figure is beautiful, fun, and also eatable.




Sugar Painting


  Sugar painting is a traditional Chinese folk craft, using melted sugar syrup as a material for painting. The painting is edible and quite popular among the young children. The craftsmen do not have drafts before they start painting. The drafts are all in their heads. They scoop up the melted syrup with a spoon, and start painting on a flat cold marble. Once the syrup are cooled and dried, the painting becomes crystal clear, beautiful and delicious.







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